Globalization is the loss of the limits space and time due
to advances in technology and information. Era of globalization is the biggest
challenge in the world of education. In this era that’s required a quality of
human resource and has has a high competitiveness which is obtained from
So, who as a duty of
creating a good human resources through education?
The answer is teacher.
The answer is teacher.
Teachers are the most important factor in contributing to
the achievement of students in school. We must know that the smarts students
are come from the excellent teachers, and the other way around. The excellent
teachers are the teachers who use the good teaching methods and styles. However
not a few teachers who use the old teaching methods and styles, like just
speaking and writing and I called it “Dramatic
This is the reason why I don’t believe that any dramatic teaching can deliver students
to a bright future and can compete in this era of globalization. But I believe
that the three things I’m going to share with you today, can enhance interest
students learning and can make students be able to compete in this era.
They are :
They are :
Grasping students full attention and
motivation to learn
Applying a combination of teaching
methods and styles
Teaching and learning creatively
Now let’s begin with
the first one important way to motivate and get stududents attention, in order
to enhance their learning.
The first one students
must understand the value and importance of the subject, they will be willing
devote time and energy into learning the
Secondly, students are
allowed to work and share ideas and opinions, and their learning will be
Thirdly, students need
to practice active learning and not just learn by sitting in class, listening
to teachers, memorizing and spitting out answer. That’s not enough
Students want to bring
out what they have learned into the real world to use and apply in their daily
The second evidence I want to reveal is that applying a
combination of teaching methods and styles can also improve interest students
learning. Every students has a specific type of learning style that work best
for them. So teachers are forced to implement various teaching methods and
styles so as to captivate each students attention and motivation to learn.
Various teaching
methods and styles offer the opportunity to learn in multiple ways. The more
variety in teaching the better the opportunity to learn.
So far we have had many
teaching methods and styles and it’s possible that we can re-enforce the old
ones and put them together, like the concept of 2013 curriculum. When we have
several teaching methods and styles, we have the option to use te styles , to
meet the various learning styles of students.
Last but not least, creative teaching can play an important
role in enhancing learning for all students. Creativity or the ability to think
outside the box and to solve problems is a skill that can be though,. Sometimes
teacher is a great way to teach them certain facts and ideas, but actually
students naturally learn and grow their expierence.
strongly believe if we can motivate students to become fully interested in all
the subject matters, and if teachers give students new creative things to do,
when these things are combined, will definitely enhance interest students
as a result we’ll finally have creative learnes who can be succesfull in their
lives in this extremely competitive and globalized world.
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